Any data owned by an individual is his or her personal data. It could be someone’s name, image, email address, physical address, social media post, location, computer IP address etc. The ownership of user’s personal data is absolute. That means wherever and however the data is saved it belongs to the user solely. The data collector or data user (facebook, youtube) cannot show, save, share or perform any other activity with user’s personal data without user’s explicit or implicit permission. If an user gives permission to use his or her data on specific type of action (data storing, data viewing etc) then it can be used by the admin of the application. To visualize this consider a hypothetical situation. You post a status on social media. Here you have given the implicit permission to show the post to your public or private contacts. Application admin is not responsible for any abusive comment to your post made by your contacts. This means that if you made your data public then it is your responsibility. But application admin do hold responsible for any data sharing with third party. If any data is shared it must be said explicitly in advance. So we see the how data uploading and showing depends on both app admin and user. Further details you will get upon reading the full documentation.